在时下的汉语表达中,我们会听到“三观不合”、“毁三观”等说法,这里的“三观”通常就是指世界观、人生观、价值观。“世界观”一词来源于德语:die Weltanschauung,原义是对世界的直观和注视,最早是由德国哲学家罗曼蒂克在1880年前后第一次使用,此后成为德国哲学中的一个术语,马克思主义哲学用这个词一般来指“人们对世界的总的根本的看法”(商务印书馆2002年版《汉语词典》),英语世界一般译为worldview 或 world outlook,意为 a comprehensive, esp. personal, philosophy of the world and of human life(2000年英文版《韦伯新世界词典》)。在汉语中,随着世界观一词被译入,当我们表达对某方面或某事物的看法、态度或理解时,通常也会用“XX观”这种造词法,对人生的态度就是人生观,对权力的态度就是权力观,对婚姻的态度就是婚姻观等等。在时政话语中,也经常使用XX观这种表达,但是,是否一见到“观”就要翻译成 outlook 或者 view 呢?当然不是。翻译还是要把原文的意思翻译清楚为是,不能机械地字对字翻译。
The core socialist values represent the contemporary Chinese spirit and are a crystallization of the values shared by all Chinese people.(Xi JinPing The Governance of China III,P45)
例1中,value 作为单数名词本来是不可数名词,指 the quality of being useful or important,加-s后则指价值观念,意为beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life,因此,values本身就是指价值观,无需再加 view、outlook。社会主义核心价值观译为 the core socialist values,汉语里“社会主义”在“核心”前面,英语里 core 则在 socialism 前面,这体现了两种语言修饰语语序的差异,即英语中越能说明事物本质的定语越靠近名词,而汉语中往往是越重要越本质的修饰语越是首先提到。
We will undertake expensive public awareness activities to help the people develop firm ideals and convictions, build their awareness of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese Dream, foster a Chinese ethos and a readiness to respond to the call of the times, strengthen the guiding role of patriotism, collectivism and socialism, and see that the people develop an accurate understanding of history, ethnicity, country and culture.
We will uphold justice while pursuing shared interests, foster new thinking on common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security. (Xi JinPing The Governance of China III,P27)
在例2和例3中,这里的观是对某一具体“物”的看法、态度、理解,有正确的历史观、民族观、国家观、文化观就是要对历史、民族、国家、文化有准确的理解和认识,新安全观就是对安全的新的认识,因此可翻译成 accurate understanding和new thinking,意思简明准确。
China follows the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration in engaging in global governance. (Xi JinPing The Governance of China III,P64)
pursue a holistic approach to national security. (Xi JinPing The Governance of China III,P25)